An organization operating in the Tolkeen area. Members proudly display a UADA plaque in burnished bronze outside their places of buisness to show they are legit.� They are Not quite as prestigious as the UTWADA (United Techno Wizard Arms Dealers Alliance). Due to their non-magical nature they tend to be viewed with contempt by many in Tolkeen but their presence is still known due to the demand for mundane weapons by mercenaries and travelers passing through Tolkeen.
The UADA is supposedly a trade guild of importers of weapons and high tech war machines. They have the appearance of honest businessmen, only selling weapons legal in the area’s they operate. They claim to be more honest than the black-market, though the separation if any is dubious at best.
They do however have the endorsement of B.A.T.T.L.A.K. (Bankers Association of Tolkeen, The Lazlos, and Allied Kingdoms).
Since BATTLAK is the backbone of Tolkeen’s economy, most people look to them for stability and trust who they put faith in. So much that the UADA symbol (a clenched mechanical fist) is on the back of the 1000 credit chip they use.
Known Tolkeenites include:
Joe (Naruni rep and well known owner of the Expedition Expediters Unlimited store in Tolkeen)
Mall Manager Ricardo (well dressed, works at The Grand Mall & Retail District)
Colonel Cinder of Colonel Cinder’s Funery and Armory Services
Material borrowed from here, thanks!
King Creed . As per tradition, the King of Tolkeen is offered a place on the board to dictate the purchase of arms for defending the Kingdom. Creed has not sat at a board meeting once, and seems to loath technology all together in defense of his kingdom, favoring magical defenses over all others.
Fat Vicks - retired and overweight headhunter Victor Thermin runs a chopshop outside of town selling refurbished weapons and random mechanical and electronic parts (typicaly salvaged). He also has a doctor and mechanic who work there part-time on gear brought in or mercs needing augmentation.
Rumored to have connections with the NGR, since he does occasionally sell Triax items.
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