Saturday, January 28, 2012
Under Nxla
(this is the story of how sparticus escaped Nxla a few episodes ago)
By Sparticus's player. (+200xp)
Sparticus was mind controlled and had to get away from the party. He used an attack of Zombies as a diversion. Compelled to join the services of the “Company” Sparticus did as the Dark Harvester had asked and returned the Titan Robot Vehicle that the party previously stole. With this gesture the Dark Harvester led Sparticus away before anyone of his comrades could realize what was happening. After the turmoil everyone took a sigh of relief only to realize Sparticus was gone with the Titan Robot Vehicle.
After arriving at a destination unknown to Sparticus he relinquishes the Titan Robot Vehicle to a guard. Then he is led into a small room in which a man sits at a large desk in the center of the room and in each corner of the room stands a guard. Sparticus took the seat opposite the man across the desk. And the man explained that before him was a contract and expectations of the signee in exchange for credits equal to services rendered. Still under influential magic Sparticus signed. Then he was led upstairs into a room that contained a Large Crystal. At the moment he walked in a link was created between him and the crystal. He could immediately feel his psychic energy being drained from him as he passed out. While he was passed out he caught a glimpse of Nxla in his mind’s eye as Nxla further compelled him to do the “Company” bidding.
Now that Sparticus was completely at their command they could begin his training, Assassin Training. This is the second time an organization has taken Sparticus against his will to train and use him as a weapon. First the CS and now the Dark Harvesters. Sparticus was to hunt down and kill other psychics for he proved to be very powerful indeed. And Nxla fears psychics that’s why the strongest are sought out for recruitment to exterminate the others. However, he needed to be taught the basics of sensitive psionics if he was to learn to track and sense his prey. For the Dark Harvesters were teaching Sparticus of control and subtlety. So everyday he was taken to train rigorously and when he wasn’t training he was linked to the crystal as his power was transferred to Nxla. Sparticus learned much about the sensitive part of his abilities and how to access the mind further and in turn access the energy of the surrounding world to a new extent.
Sparticus excelled in his training and quickly exceeded any expectations. He was already a trained assassin; they just made him much better at it. He was quickly sent out on missions and decimated all of his targets. It seemed that with his new found stealth, patients and ability to stalk his prey until the most opportune moment made him a very efficient killer. Sparticus killed many high level psychics and quickly racked up 170million credits. Suffice to say many died by his hand. More than the Dark Harvesters could have hoped for, they were all amazed at his power. He astounded Nxla itself, for the plan is to use prisoner psychics as assassins as their power is drained out each night. Most psychics will eventually lose all their power and die. Sparticus was different for some reason no matter how much he was drained of his psychic energy it was still there.
Sparticus had adapted and learned to use his new found sensitive abilities to sense magic energy, a completely foreign concept to him all together. Without having any real knowledge of this new energy source, he knew instinctively to feed off this magic energy and use this magic energy to power his own inner strength. With his new found source of nutrition Sparticus no longer feels the need to eat conventional food anymore. One day as Sparticus is passed out being drained linked to the crystal the party arrives to rescue him and Esrith who has been linked to the same crystal every night after his missions. Sparticus awakes unaware of how long he was in the service of the “Company” all he know is that he has a credit stick for 170million for his services, heart drops as he realizes his quest for inner peace may have had a very violent detour. Now he is back with the party, slightly different but back none the less.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Princess Shack
FEMALE PREDATOR 2 by ~tdm-studios on deviantART
2nd Level Royal Kreeghor Heiress to the lost Throne of Kreeghor-Tet
Shes a 500lbs 10ft tall boney female alien bent on reclaiming her throne at any cost. And carrying on the royal Shack Bloodline.
IQ 15 ME 22 MA 17 PS 35 PP 21 PE 28 PB 8 SPD 30
800 MDC ( 2000 SDC 400 HP ) 250 PPE 175 ISP
6 attacks +4 strike +8 parry/dodge +1 ini +1 vs magic +pe bonus
Natural Abilities:
See Invis, Impervious to mind control bioregen d6x10/min
Master Psionics
Healing: Restore PPE Supress Fear Exorcism
Physical: Alter Aura Ecto Disguise Mind Block
Sensitive: Astral Projection Sixth Sense Telepathy
Super: Hypnotic Suggestion Improved Psychic Body Field (150SDC /25isp) Mentally Possess Others
Mystic Magic: 6 spells 1-3
Armor of Ithan (60SDC/10PPE) Impervious to Fire Negate Poison Blinding Flash Fist of Furry Invis Simple
1 spell lv 1-2
RCC Skills
Literate Trade 5/Kreeghor,Speaks Gobblely, Dragonese 98% English Euro +20
Radio Basic +10 Computer Operation +5 Power Armor Combat Elite Fighter Combat Elite
Pilot Hover Pilot Tanks APCs Weapons Systems (all +15)
WP Knife WP Heavy Energy
HTH Assassin
8 RCC Skills
Intelligence +10 Boxing Radio Scrambler +5 Prowl +5 Streetwise +5 Navigation +10 Lore Magic +10 Kreeghor Law +10
4 Secondary Skills
Play Musical Instrument: Kreeghorian Throat Harp
Brewing (Kreeghorian Blood Tea)
Kreeghor Battle Armor 300SDC PV 8
Phase Forearm Claws 3d6MDC / 9d6SDC works through all armor but forcefields/magic armors
Dark Nova- APPC-440 by ~Breandan-OCiarrai on deviantART
Scavenged Warlord Mark I Powerarmor PB Cannon w/ backpack nuke generator 2d4x10 1000ft range
Kreeghor BattlePC3000 Computer Communications Station with Satellite Dish
1 weeks food
100000cr in gold chains
Crashed Runner Ship p171 Phase-world
Contact - Combat Drone by *Shimmering-Sword on deviantART
1 Combat Defense Drone 4 ata d6x50 railgun 4000ft 1000SDC
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
You've got K-Mail #46
Spaceship flightdeck by ~Attickman on deviantART
Caldor's ship cockpit starts alarming. DING DING DING.
He makes some computer operation rolls and finds out the following:
His mark, the mysterious Fat Dwarf bioweapons expert and reason he was sent to Earth as a bounty hunter, has taken the lives of all inhabitants on Kreegor-Tet, the home of the Royal Kreegor seat and all of Caldors family. the dwarf released a biotoxin into the atmosphere of kreegortet months ago, and most died instantly from the sickness. The rest tried to get out but all eventually perished, along with any who came in contact with them. Entire spaceships were vaporized full of refugees from even nearby systems under fear of infection and quarantine.
All is not well for the empire of Kreegor, but Kreegor-Tet was not their only holding. In the powergap left by the death of the ruling family, several of the more loosly allied merchant families have been taking control of the fate of the Kreegor race. One such family has learned that one of Caldors Bloodline has survived, his cousin.
Luckily for her, Caldor's cousin was vacationing on one of Kreegor-tet's moons at the time of the infection, and she managed to escape in her personal ship. Hearing the cries of agony as her home-planet died, thousands of distress calls all going off at once... then no more live communications, and she knew they were all dead. Only automated drone signals remained 12 hours after initial infection. Realizing they were all dead and that her life was in danger, she flew to the only living relative she had left, CALDOR. She says shes flying to EARTH and has crashed somewhere south of where she knew Caldor landed. Its a swampy area she says then the kmail is cut short...
So caldor gets this mail, and convinces the party to abandon their current mission to conquer 3 more nexus's for Dunscon and join the Federation of Magic.
The townsfolk of Athens are living in a hovel nearby, and begging caldor and the rest to go to newport and rescue their families. Some eye caldors ship and ask if they can come aboard.
HATING refugee humans living in his fine ship, caldor "accidentally" crashes the ship into the hovel, killing Thelma and the last of the known human survivors of Athens. Athens currently has a population of 6, 5 psi goblins and bluey who stays in Athens while the rest of the party head south. There are buildings and ruins to house about 100 ppl in Athens.
As the bodies of them squish off the crashed ship, Caldor realizes the ship is now stuck and can no longer fly. Unphased, he gets out of the ship, gets into his Armored Kittani Robot Beetle and starts plodding south in search of his cousin. The rest of the group follow.
They run south at about 60mph through increasingly hotter climates, seeing little bit normal wildlife.
While going south they encounter a Mechanoid Scouting party!
MECHANOID by ~viperv6 on deviantART
2 Flying mechanoids pelt Caldor's beetle with energy fire while Thinmen and Digger Robots on foot engage the other players. After a drawn out battle where Caldor's robot beetle took severe energy blast damage to its main body, the alien mechanoids were repelled.
NASPOLINIS' TREX by ~waynedowsent on deviantART
After a long while they hit swampy areas and meet a Trex. Drago casts make familiar on it and it seems to be following his commands...
The Battered Beetle Robot continues south to the location described in the kmail from caldor's cousin, and start to find traces of a crash site...
Drago the 8th Level Great Horned Dragon Hatchling
(91780 needs 120k)
+125 skills +100 mechanoids +100 taming trex +200 showin up +100 rp +50 witness death of athens inhabitants +50 travel south +250 learn of death of Kreegor-tet's population.
(92755 needs 120k)
Sparticus the 7th Levek Zapper turned into 2nd level Psi-Slayer PPE Vampire by Nxla
(2500xp/51k/53500 tot)
+150 skills +100 mechanoids +100 rp +200 showin up +100 rp effects of change +100 rp anxiety +50 travel south +100 army +500 learn of death of Kreegor-tet's population.
(3900psislayer /51k zapper /54400 total)
Caldor the Kreegor Bounty Hunter
(44776 needs 49881)
+100 reads kmail +150 skills +100 rp +100 crashing ship +50 defeating Athens inhabitants +100 leaving ship in beetle and not looking back. Ship is now crash landed in Athens. +200 showin up +100 convincing party to go south +100 navigating south +100 finding crash plain +50 hughbot commands +100 survive mechanoid attack +50 travel south +500 learn of death of Kreegor-tet's population.
(46576 needs 49881)