Tuesday, January 20, 2009
your village was one day visited by a man claiming to be a representative of the areas new governing religion, dragonwright
all young lizardmen males were strongly encouraged to pilgramidge to the city capital and undergo training to serve their new dragon gods, so you did and after training they assigned you the ship
Lar met the Emisaries when he was directed to kill any in the way of Mavvis’s quest to return the spike to his stronghold. Instead he turned on mavis emptying his minimissles into him. But not before nearly killing Sparticus with a volley… Now hes on the ground outside New Wilmar in his robot..
Will the others in the group welcome a Lizardman who recently tried to kill them? Only time will tell.
2nd Level Largarto Warrior of Styphon’s False Dragonwright’
IQ 17+3% ME 12 MA 12 PS 17 PP 18 PE 15 SPD 25 PB 8
AR9 attacker must roll over 9 to do any damage up to PV 6 weapons must roll against this.
sdc 121 total 25HP
50 lizard man 40 spec ops training +10 boxing +6 athletics+5 runnin+10 bodybuilding
punch kick throw
power attacks on all do x2 damage for 2ata
( + 20%), dance 43%, play willow flute 48%, speak Dragonese/Elven 98%
(not literate), basic math 58%, climb53%, pilot sail- & rowboats
(+10%), boat building 43%, carpentry43, hunting, track
animals33%, skin & prepare % hides 38%, preserve food 43%
land navigation 53%, wilderness survival 48%,
Radio Basic 58%
Lit Dragonese 63%
comp op 53
pilot robts 62
bot compate elite
pilot tank 53
weapons systems 63 for +1s
read sensors 48
wp epistol
wp erifle
WP Spear +1s/p
hth expert
+12 other skills
Computer Programming +5/computer hacking 36%
radio scrambler/electronic counter measures 48% Escape Artist 48 Sniper+
Weapons Eng|ineer38% , MEchanical Engineer 38%, Basic Electronics,
Prowl43, Demolitions 71, Robot Mechanics 33
+6 secondary skills
pilot hover, athletics, wp heavy energy W.P. Automatic Pistol: Body Building & Weight Lifting W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle:
+3ini +2vs poison/drug
d6×10sdc ar9
+1s/p +2dod underwater
+2 strike pp
+3p/d hth +3p/d skills +2 pp | +8
pilots kitani allosaurus firedarke powerarmor
p82 sa
2850SDC Main Body
2 medium range heavy explosive missles out of 4 remaining
98 out of 100 dual bursts of rain gun ammo, 1d6×10x2 MDC / 2d6×50SDC
x2 12 missle minimissle launchers w/ plasma
mouth mounting plasma ejector 2d4×10SDC to area once per melee
milssle launcher has 160
railguns have 150 each
dual railgun 2d4×10md /40×2rd burst +2str
4 medium HE explosive missles 2d6×100MDC
In Allosaurus HTH Elite Heavy Vehicular Style Robots
HTH bonus +1ata +1ini +3s w/ ranged weapons +1s hth +1p/d +2 d while moving
bot bonus +2ini +2s/p +1dod +1ata
TOTAL in bot +6ini + 5s hth +11p/d +12d while running
Inside pilots compartment in a small sack his personal belongings:
KEP Energy pistol 5d6 200ft 20/long clip, 2 long clips
10 100cr in gold dragonwright coins
7 days rations dried fish
lighter, water purifier, camping equipment
ceremonial silver spear tip given to him by his father (famil heirloom) on a cord
Battle for New Willmar
mavisss +1 hovervehicle will attack the pcs while the 5 hover vehicles try to flee
spike is 20′ft long covered in draconic ruins with alot of damage along its length, but intact.
Delmer requests backup
Sparticus meets druidess of flower shop, Elym. in the back corner of the shop he sees she is meditating on top of a huge treetrunk which was cut down. *mmm she says* you have disturbed me, this trunk has much to tell I hope you do as well. You are hurt! (insta heal
She looks at you and speaks in broken euro “you are…human?”
she points to herself then goes “Viktoria” then points outside and gots “Urk Hai ”
Shes a 4th Lvl Extremely attractive Jungle Elf Biomancer IQ 18 ME 10 MA 17 PS 10 PP 18PE 12 PB 20 She has 70PPE
+1vs magic and psi
comune plant/animal, WP Archery, WP Blunt (Staves) Insect Leap 5ppe Chitin 15ppe 165PPE
Animal Weaponry Major 20ppe Claws +1s/p 6d6SDC Impervious to Fire Negate Poison Shadow Meld Heal Wounds Magic Net
Wears Light Chiten Armor210SDC 3d6claws +1s
Has a Bio Energy bow 12d6sdc 900ft
she backs up Sparticus…
The spike is covered in dragonic ruins.� It is ancient, nearly worn smooth from time.� There are a few odd protrubences along its length that are all broken off, their original function unknown.
Ronin catches the second save copter #2 trying to make off with the spike and stops them. Then he chops up the spike into peices.
Mavissss the Ancient Fire Dragon and exiled Dragon King
Redish grey skin which upon closer inspection is seen to be covered in festring sores.
10800SDC 8370yrs old 27 tons 439ppe 120 isp
Burst into Flame for 70ppe +210SDC aura 9d6sdc to anything that touches him
IQ24 PS32 PP21 PE 18
7ata +3ini +7s +9p/d HF12 +12s/p with flame sword
9thlvl fire warlock WP Sword, WP Erifle
Regen 1d6×30sdc/min
punch 4d6×3+51sdc + fire aura!
2ata powerpunch 1d4×30+102sdc +fireaura
Flamesword punch/powerpunch +12d6sdc
Flame Friends, 20ppe, 150SDC, PS22 +3s/p/d 3ATA 6d6+21punch 12dc+21powerpunch
Will summon meteors
Fireballs/BlueFlame� 9d6×9 to a 40ft radius! 18dodge 10/30ppe
FireWheel 9d8×3 40ppe
Stench of Hades follows in his wake
Will summon Flame friends, and blue fire from a distance while his pods engage. Once he sees whos he will hit them with a firewheel and dive bomb them with claws.
Bluefire slags all gear by freezing it, 50-160sdc per hit of cold damage and using anything after hit before letting it cool has a 50% chance of breaking said item somehow.
2nd round come in… Zancudo Transport & Attack hellecopter drops off Lar + dragonwright cultist+ mystery forcefield + dameon reprogrammed +2nd secret ship that comes in multiple image and steals spike! MAvvis takes an ice wall from Drago and teleports 100 ft up and starts plasma bolting Ronin from above. MAGE doesnt know hes there and flyes up, Mavis bites MAGE and starts swallowing. AFter trying his now trashed jetpack in vain, mage activates his self destruct system and both Mavis and him disappear…
MAGE the Dragonslayer: Deceased (52200)
Drago the teleporty 7th level Hatchling! +700 (50550 needs 80000)
Sparticus plasmagunner(14825 needs 16501) +850 (15675 needs 16501)
Lar the turncoat 3000 needs 4241 +800 (3800 needs 4241)
Dameon the biowizard program(20851 needs 24501) +550 (21401 needs 24501)
Ronin (32500 needs 35521)+700 (33200 needs 35521)
Kash the savior of Kathmandu, now 5th level (16701 needs 24600)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Kash the Elven Mystic
Elven Murder Set by ~mathepan on deviantART currently:
Kash now is host toPsyimbiot Zee who has taken up residence inside Kash's head.
When Kash is in danger Zee will instinctively use Psychic Armor 40MD/120SDC 30ISP as well as supertk away any projectiles thrown at him, treat as auto parry +4, while parrying zee also likes to spin the vibroknives around Kash.
Roused from his bordom with the mortal coil by a sense of agony and wrongness, Kash rematerializes into the field of battle against Mavis in time to see the Emisaries in the battle for their very lives. He has been the groups ally since the very beginnings, witnessing the death of many. Faded out for long periods while the other party members go about their normal lives, Kash struggles to find enlightenment where others find only credits. When he does make a rare appearance it is usually because his friends are in grave danger. He has been busy of late doing mysterious work for his new mind worm Zee..
Elven Mystic, 5th Level 17000xp
IQ 19 (+5%) MA 9 ME 19 PS 14 PP 19 Pe 15 PB 19 SPD 10
save bonuses from zee: +1vs magic +1 vs psi/illusions +2 vs hf +5 vs poisons
65 ISP +200 from zee
120PPE +35 from zee
(based on stats from lightdancer mercs p45 since he lost his sheet)
80years old but looks 20
lit Elven, speak 3langs
play sitar and keetar 70
Dance 70
Horsemanship general 71
land nav 62
lore magic 50
lore demon 50
lore faerie 50
lore psi 50
lore cattle 55
Philosophy & Law 50
wild survival 55
basic math 75
HTH Expert (2skills cost)
wp energy pistol and rifle
prowl 57
brewing 60
streetwise 46
Gymnastics Backflip 45
Secondary skills
radio basic 70
pilot hover 75
Hunting +2prowl
wp knife
commune with spirits
sixth sense
supress fear
Healing touch
bioregen self
astral projection
Blinding Flash 1 60ft, (10ft) 1 blinded 1d4 melees,
Chameleon 2 self/touch 6 18melees/lvl,90% 0ft/melee,
Cloud of Smoke 1 90ft 2 30x30x30ft, in cloud
Turn Dead
Globe of Daylight
2nd 4 from 1-3
*Armor of Ithan 3 Self/Other 10 10MDC/lvl, 4 melees/lvl, 1/2 50MDC / 150SDC
Invis simple
Impervious to Poison
3rd 4 3 spells from 1-4
Carpet of Adhesion
See Invisible
4th 2 spells from 1-4
Multiple Image
ricochet strike with thrown knives
5th 2 from 1-5
eyes of thoth marks him as per http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/dfd/wikis/eye-of-thoth
Distant voice (2000ft/lvl)
6 Vibroknives
Beaten up C-14 firebreather 3d6md laser 2d6md grenade 12ft radius
20/short 30/long eclip, 12 grenades
4 long eclips
24 grenades
5ata +5 to strike / +7 with knives +6 parry +6 dodge
+5 aimed/+3 burst with energy rifles and pistols
+3s pp +2hth | +5/+7knives
+3p pp+3hth | +6/+8knives
+3d pp +3hth | +6
Light combat armor (100SDC) with tw energy field 10ppe
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cyberwear vs Magic/Psi Rules
CYBERWEAR (optional rule) modified from some page I found if its yours email me for credit
Although cyberwear and bionics can be a boon to many characters, it also destroys magic and psychic potential.
CyberPoints | PPE | ISP | Psistrength | MagicStr | MagicSave |
1 | .95 | .95 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | .95 | .95 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
3 | .90 | .90 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
4 | .85 | .85 | -2 | -2 | +1 |
5 | .80 | .80 | -2 | -2 | +1 |
6 | .75 | .75 | -3 | -3 | +1 |
7 | .70 | .70 | -3 | -3 | +2 |
8 | .65 | .65 | -4 | -4 | +2 |
9 | .60 | .60 | -4 | -4 | +3 |
10 | .55 | .55 | -5 | -5 | +3 |
11 | .50 | .50 | -5 | -5 | +3 |
12 (partial conversion) | .45 | .45 | -6 | -6 | +4 |
Full Conversion | D | D | D | D | +5 |
Characters gain 1 cyberpoint for every cybersystem they have, and two for every bionic system they have. However, complete limbs "give" twice this amount. Things that are built onto the character, but require the displacement of minimal amounts of flesh, cost only 1/2 point, but these numbers must be rounded up. Things such as eyes are NOT included in this category. The categories of PPE and ISP show the multiplier used to determine the character's actual PPE and ISP, while the Psi and Magic strength modifiers show the modifiers to spell and psi strength, but this does not affect saves. Finally, the category magic save gives the bonus to saving throws against magic. "D" means all psychic and magical potential has been destroyed.