Mage combat spells -------------------- Name Level Range PPE Damage/effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throwing Stones 2 200ft +100/lvl 5 1d6+1/lvl, 2 melees Orb of Cold 3 200ft 6 3d6+save vs. numbing Electric Arc 4 30ft/lvl 8 2d6MD, +2 to strike, 1 melee Fire Blast 4 50ft 8 3d6MD to full range Fire Bolt 4 100ft+5/lvl 7 4d6MD Inkspray 4 30ft 8 1d4MD/min, 1d4Min/lvl, -1att, -2ini, -1s/p/d Kinetic Beam 5 60ft 7 [1d4+1]/lvl, +1 to strike/per ss bonus Lifeblast 5 Mental Blast 5 100ft+10/lvl 15 5d6MD/HP +penalties (vs. Psi) Barrage 6 100ft+30/lvl 15 2MD each, 3+1/lvl, +penalties Call Lightning 6 300ft 15 1d6MD/lvl, auto-strike Fire Ball 6 90ft 10 1d4/lvl (3')/lvl dodge w/18+ Ice Blast 6 90ft 12 [1d4+1]/lvl, dodge w/18+, 5ft wide cone Power Bolt 6 1600ft+100/lvl 20 5d6MD+2/lvl Ballistic Fire 7 1000ft+10/lvl 25 1d6MD each, 1/lvl, directed, auto-strike Black Light 7 300ft 20 2d4MD/lvl, x2 to creatures of light, dodge w/18+ Fire Gout 7 30ft/lvl 20 6d6MD to full range, -3 to dodge Sonic Blast 7 (20ft) 25 4d6MD+ deafness SP Acceleration 7 100ft/lvl 20 1d6x10MD+1/lvl, or 6 shot recharge Fire Globe 8 200ft 40 5d6MD/melle, 1d4 min, stores for 1wk/lvl Lightning Arc 8 100ft/lvl 30 4d6MD+2/lvl, +4 to strike/+1>100ft, 1 melee/lvl Shockwave 8 (10ft) 35 1d4MD/lvl + knockdown Desiccate the SN 9 50ft/lvl or touch 2 50 3d6x10MD/HP, -1 to save (for 1/2 damage) Dragon Fire 9 100ft 40 1d4x10MD 1 melee/lvl, dodge w/16+ Armor Bane 10 300ft 100 -10% MDC, +minor systems lost Deathword 10 30ft 70 2d6HP/MD+1d6/lvl, x2 if wispered, + save vs. coma! Meteor 10 200ft/lvl 70 1d6x10+2/lvl (40ft), +4 to strike Soultwist 12 100ft/touch 170 6d6MD/HP, -6 to save, or funky penalties Annihilate 14 500ft+100/lvl 600 2d4x100MD (10 4d6x10MD), +3 to strike Note:many of these spells also get bonuses from target/archery spells. Mage Defensive Spells ---------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Armor of Ithan 3 Self/Other 10 10MDC/lvl, 4 melees/lvl, 1/2 damage from M/F/L/C Imp. to Cold 3 Self/60ft 5 Magic and normal cold have no effect, 5min/lvl *Imper. to Fire 3 Self/60ft 5 Fire does no damage, 5min/lvl Imper. to Poison 3 Self/Others touch 5 immune to poisons, and poison gases, 5min/lvl Magic Sheild 3 Self/Other 6 60MD, parries taking 1/4 dam, +1 par, only -3 fast Resist Fire 3 self/others 60ft 6 all fire does 1/2 damage Chromatic Pro. 4 Self/touch/10ft 10 blinds attacker, 1d4 melee, -4ini, -6s/p/d, more. *Deflect 4 Self 10 +4p, 1 deflection p/lvl, lasts 1melee/lvl Energy Field 4 60ft 10 60MDC, 8ft area Multiple Image 4 Self 7 1 min/lvl, -4to save, 3 twins, +2ini, +2d, +1s Armor Bizarre 5 Self/30ft 15 15MD/lvl, tentacles-HF 9+1/2lvl, every melee, -1ini House of Glass 5 100ft 12 std save, glassy looking, takes same damage, 1min/l Implosion Neut. 5 50ft/lvl/touch 2 12 1/2 damage & radius, 1min/lvl on un-exploded ones Mindshade 5 self/touch 15 +4vs psionics/mindaltering, imp. to possession aura blank, doesn't radiate magic or psionics Imp. to Energy 6 Self/others ritual 20 2 min/lvl, energy does no damage Imp. to Radiation 6 self/60ft 15 resist fire+radiation does no damage Targeted Deflect. 6 self/500+50/lvl 15 +3p, 13+ hits attacker, only energy that way *Invulnerability 7 self/touch 25 invulnerable, 35MD aura, +10vs mag/psi Invincible Armor 8 self/touch 30 25MDC/lvl, envir, 1/2 from enrgy, absorbs last dam. Lifeward 8 self/touch 40 put on armor, after armor's gone, MD=SDC, 1min/lvl Prot. Circle:Simp.9 radius of circle 45 affects lesser SN, +2vsmag/psi, nothing vs greater 24 hours, 4PPE to reactivate, no SN winthin 5ft Null Sphere 12 (10ft)/lvl 220 5min/lvl, 100MD/lvl, enivr, no dam from mag/energy no mindcontrol, physical things go thru, prot circl Prot. Circle:Supr 13 radius of circle 250 NO SN creatures in at all, lesser can't be in sight +5vsmag/psi, imp. to possesion, +8vs HF, +10PPE/ISP Magical Walls --------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects -------------------------------------------------------- Wall of Cold 7 90ft 20 3min/lvl, 1d6MD/5ft thick, 15x10x5/lvl Wall of Fire 7 90ft ' ' Wall of Void 7 90ft ' ' silent black flame Wall of Lightning 8 90ft 25 [2d4MD/lvl 8x4/elvl][2d4MD/3lvls 8x4] no width Wall of Wind 8 100ft 40 5min/lvl, supps=32+1/lvl, 2tons or hi-ps to stand Wall of Defense 9 100ft 55 1melle/lvl, thin, 10x6+5/lvl, stops all (freezes!) Wall of Not 10 100ft 70 15x15/lvl, makes any wall invisible Wall of the Weird 12 200ft 180 10x1x10/lvl, 40mdc/10ft, 1d4tentalces attack 15ft Shadow Wall 13 Impenetrable Wall 14 100ft 600 20x20/lvl, 5 melees/lvl Id Barrier 14 200ft +100ft/lvl 600 3min/lvl, save vs. HF 14, fail=fight apparition Mage Curing/Healing/Mending Spells -------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Healing 3 touch 6 heals very minor ailments, +1d6sdc or 1d4hp Negate Poison 3 self/touch 5 negates poisons, even if in the bloodstream Cure Minor Disor. 4 touch/10ft 10 relives minor physical problems & simple curses Head the Dead 5 touch/3ft 8* +4d6SDC/+2d6MD to animated and undead Heal Wounds 5 touch/3ft 10 heals minor wounds, +3d6sdc, +1d6hp Mend the Broken 5 touch 10+ mends 1pt SDC/ppe used over 10, 30ppe per MDC pt. Cure Illness 6 touc/3ft 15 cures ordinary illness, non magica/cancer Fortify vs Dis. 6 self,2 touch,100ft 15 resists infections, +4 vs virii/magic, +1vs poison Heal Self 7 self 20 meditate for 1 min, +3d6sdc and 1d6hp/1d4md Greater Healing 8 touch 30 +2d4x10sdc, 6d6hp, or 1d4md Purge Self 9 self 70 removes diseases, parasites, possestion, poisons Purge Other 10 touch 100 ('), non willing subjects have +8 to save Restore Limb 10 touch 80 reatach limb, 12hours/lvl after detachment Super Healing 10 touch 70 heals 4d6MD Remove Curse 12 touch/10ft 140 gives another save, +5vs spell, +10vs ritual Restore Life 13 touch 275 4hours/lvl after death, x2 at 50%, more Restoration 14 touch/3ft 750 heals everything, and will re-attach limbs Resurrection 14 touch/6ft 650 died within 2 months, 45%, 3 times by 1 mage, 6ttl Notes: most of these will not work on the mage himself Personal Enhancement Spells -------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Oriented| ---------------- Fist of Fury 3 Self/touch 10 1 melee/lvl, SNPS, punch-only (1d6min), parries MD Crushing Fist 6 self/50ft/lvl 12 1min/lvl, either 2d6MD punch or 2d6MD bolts, +1str Sorcerous Fury Shadow Leap 7 self/touch 45 70% shadow, +4ini, +2s, +6d (auto) 40% +2ini, +2s +4d [shadow teleport 60ft] Magical Adr. Rush 8 Giant 10 self/touch 80 1 melee/lvl, +10ft, MDC=(hp+sdc)*3, SNPS+50%, +1att +1s/p, +1000lbs, -3d, -20%spd, no magic casting Movement -------- Climb 2 self/others 40ft 3 5min/lvl, climb 98%/60% for normaly unclimbables *Levitation 2 60ft 5 3min/lvl, 200lbs+20/lvl, 60ft+10/lvl up *Float in Air 3 self/others 30ft 5 10melees/lvl, no save, 1ft up, -1att/s/p/d, 1/2spd Telekinesis 3 60ft 8 1min/lvl, 60lbs, +3s/+4p, 1d6/4d6SDC Swim as Fish 4 self/others 10ft 6 ad. Swimming/SCUBA 96%, +1p/d in water, 2min hb Superhuman Speed 5 self/touch 10 1min/lvl, +2p/+6d, spd=44 (30mph) Swim as Fish(sup) 5 self/others 12 10min/lvl breath in water, spd20, no fatigue, +2p/d Fly as the Eagle 7 self/others 100ft 25 20min/lvl, 50mph, +1p/+2d, +2damage on dives Winged Flight 8 touch (not self) 35 fly at spd*5, will work over armor ---- Misc ---- Sustain Mystic Fulcrum Lifeblast Beat Ins. Odds Energy Sphere Breath w/o Air Astral Projection Charismatic Aura Superhuman P.P. 5 self/touch 10 +3s/p/d, +1 attack, +1ini, +5spd, 2melees/lvl Superhuman P.E. Superhuman P.S. Deathgrip 3 50ft 8 both hands can't let go 1melee/lvl, PS34/SPS20 Memory Bank Reduce Self Transferal -------- Sensory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Aura See the Invisible Sense Evil Sense Magic Detect Concealment Tongues Nightvision 4 self/touch 8 NV 200ft+100/lvl, in magic darkness 50ft+10/lvl See Wards 7 Second Sight Commune With Spirits Eyes of the Wolf Locate SI Magic Darkness 11 self/2touch 125 x2spd in shadow wall, shadow beasts only have cha. Oracle Eyes of Thoth ------------ Concealment ------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ----------------------------------------------------------- Cloud of Smoke 1 90ft 2 30x30x30ft, in cloud -5s/p/d Chameleon 2 self/touch 6 18melees/lvl,90% 0ft/melee, 70%2ft/melee,20% 6ft Cloak of Darkness 2 self (5ft) 6 4min/lvl, distance attacks at -3/less optics, -1 Invis:Simple 3 self 6 3min/lvl, no normal vision can see him Shadow Meld 4 self 10 2min/lvl, invis to all but infra, 60%prwl or +15 Aura of Death 5 self 12 2melee/lvl,invis to IR,thermal, Invis:Superior 7 self/touch 20 3min/lvl, prowl 84%, Nightspill 7 90ft 25 total darkness 100ft area/lvl, -6s/p/d -------------- Metamorphosis -------------- Animal Human Superior Mist Insect ---------------------- Transportation Spells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport:Lesser D-Step 9 Self/3ft 50 Mystic Portal 10 20ft 60 Portal 10x20ft, 12ft deep/lvl, or teleport 100ft/lvl Plane Skip 10 Astral Hole 11 Self 120 Re-Open Gateway 11 10ft 180 Time Hole 12 Self 210 Swap Places 13 Circle of Travel 15 D-Teleport 800 D-Portal 15 A few feet 1000 Guess? Teleport:Sup. 15 300miles/lvl 600 Mage and 1000lbs/lvl, more. General Dehabilitating Spells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blinding Flash 1 60ft, (10ft) 1 blinded 1d4 melees, -5s/-10p/d, 50% fall Thunderclap 1 (30ft) 4 hf 8, mage gets +5ini, +1s/p/d Befuddle 2 100ft 6 2min/lvl, -2s/p/d, 1/2 attacks, -20% skills Fear 2 100ft, 20ft area 5 hf 16, fail means can't defend against 1st attack Light Target 3 10ft/2 touch 6 2min/lvl, glows brightly Paralysis: Lesser 3 60ft 5 1min/lvl, 1 limb only, leg=-2 p/d, -90% spd Blind 4 touch/10ft 6 -5s, -10p/d, 50% fall per 10ft travelled Carpet of Adh. 4 30ft/lvl 10 200square feet, fail=10melles/lvl, pass =2d6melees Magic Net 4 60ft 7 1-6 human sized, 10ft area, dodw/16+, 2melees/lvlf Weight of Duty 4 200ft/ 2touch 10 1min/lvl, fail=no ini, -4s/p/d, 1/2spd, 1/2 skills Compulsion 6 60ft 20 1day, 1 desire or need implanted Ice 6 50ft/lvl 15 wall(50MDC/lvl, 10x10x10+10/lvl)/ice cover (spd 4!) Words of Truth 6 5ft 15 2 questions per melee, 1 minute/lvl Agony 7 5ft/lvl 20 1min/lvl, after 1/2 att, spd, -1s/p/d for 1 minute Life Drain 7 30ft 25 2melees/lvl, 15ftarea, 1/2SDC,hp,spd, -1att,-10%skss Wind Rush 7 120ft 20 60mph, 1 melee, 18+ to stand, objects go 2d6x20ft Hallucination 8 touch/3ft 30 1 major hallucination Portal of Fear 8 90ft 35 4d6tentecles, 1att each, +4entangle, 10MDC each if entagled, save vs magic (12+) or 1 att/fear in 2 melees, pulled in, imob.w/fear 4d4melee or sv Sickness 8 touch/20ft 50 major sickness, 12hours/lvl, 1 att, pe-70%, -4s/p/d Wisps of Confusion8 90ft 40 5 melees/lvl, -5s/p/d, 1/2 att, 1-8 people Aura of Doom 9 200ft (20ft) 40 -1/2att, -4s/p/d, 1/2skls,2min/lvl, others dislike Mute 9 Realm of Chaos 9 Speed of Snail 9 60ft 50 1/3 all capabilities, 1-6 targets, even non-living Havoc 10 90ft 70 (20ft), does 1d6hp/melee, 2me/lvl,-3i/s/p/d Reality Flux 10 60ft/touch2 75 1 melee/lvl, weapon goes sdc Warped Space 10 150ft (10ft) 90 funky effects, p152 Bottomless Pit 11 50ft, (2ft) 100 falling till end (2min/lvl), dodge w/17+ Disharmonize 11 Heavy Air 12 Collapse 13 Void 15 Illusionary Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura of Power 2 self/touch 4 makes look 50% buffer, +14d+2ma, 1min/lvl Heavy Breathing 2 60ft (6ft) 5 5 meless/lvl, can move sound, 60% flee or -2s/-1p/d Horrific Illu. 5 30ft 10 2min/lvl, HF 14, fails will not go pass it Apparition 6 30ft 20 1min/lvl, hf10, real stats, fails must fight,p176 Mask of Deciet 6 self 15 10min/lvl, generic face, spec. 20+5/disguise -4 save Illusion Booster 6 per illusion 15 doubles duration Illusory Wall 6 500ft 15/30 1000^2ft/lvl, fails get to save again if disprovd World Bizarre 8 200ft (20ft/lvl) 40 everything goes demonic, hf17 (flee/-1att/-2ini/-2c Illusion Manipu. 9 500ft/lvl 25/60 changes set illusion, -1/-4 save, con Illusory Forest 10 Illusory Terrain 11 Animation/Summoning/Control Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trance 4 Domination 5 Charm Influence Beast 5 Constrain Being 7 Expel Demons A & C Dead 7 S & C Canines 9 Tame Beast 9 A & C Dead:Greater10 1000ft/LOV 50* 1 large creature, max attribs, 1/2 max MDC 3 attacks (4 if fast), imp. to bullets, x2 fire Banishment 10 C & E Entity 10 Enemy Mind 10 S & C Rodents 10 S Greater Familiar S & C Animals 11 Summon Fog 11 Calm Storms 12 Ensorcel 12 S & C Entity 12 S & C Rain 12 S & C Storm 13 S & C Lesser Being13 S & C Sea Serpents14 Summon Ally 15 Creation/Enchantment Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Level Range PPE Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Wood 3 10ft 10/30 100lbs of wood, soft/hard, 2ft logs or 6ft planks Ricochet Strike 4 by hth weapon 12 relects off 3 targets, 1melee/lvl, 1st str for all Featherlight 5 touch/10ft 10 10min/lvl,200lbs/lvl, more pg 136 Fly 5 Create Water 6 line of sight 15 1/2 gallon/lvl, 1/2 in deserts, x2 in jungle/at sea Flesh Armor 6 touch 12* 12hrs/lvl, 5MD/lvl, imp. punct.,1/2blunt,x1mag/fire Frost Blade 6 touch 15 sdc metal peice does 4d6MD, 1min/lvl Lightblade 7 self 20 1d4x10+1MD/lvl, 1min/lvl, +1s/p, used only by mage Spinning Blades 7 los/100ft/lvl 20 enchants 1 blade, creates 1/lvl, buzzsaw=2d6MD/blds parry attacks +6 (+2 fast), +3 to strike, 1melee/lvl Power Weapon 8 touch 35 2melee/lvl,weapon does MD, or ads +25% to MD ones Create Steel 9 10ft 68 recycle 100lbs/lvl, or only 10 MDC, +10% ore Phantom Mount 9 40ft 45 10min/lvl, 30MDC+5/lvl, 45mph,hf9,3att,1d6/3d6MD +1ini/+2s/+3d/+3roll, PS25 PP20 PE22 (sn) Create Ghoul 10 touch 75* creats 1 grave ghoul from a dead body Magic Warrior 10 100ft 60 2melee/lvl, magic save=1/2 dam., 50+6MD/lvl, 5att +4ini/+5s/p/d,hf12,2d6MDpnc/3d6MDkck, Speed Weapon 10 touch 100 1 melee/lvl, x2 att w/weapon, no magic ones Cr. Mummy 11 Cr. Magic Scroll 11 Id Alter Ego 11 Amulet 12 Cr. Zombie 12 Ironwood Cr. Golem 13 Talisman 13 Enchant Weapon (m)15 *=double PPE cost if a non-necromaster